Welcome to my official Denise Masino Diary blog. I like to share my thoughts and updates on my exclusive erotic muscle videos, live muscle web cam shows, fitness appearances, free photos & more. I’m all about fitness, fun & fantasy. I LOVE hearing from you, but to leave a comment you'll need to register here or log-in!!

xoxo Denise

Miss Fit 4 Life’s Giving Tuesday.

Author: Denise Masino
November 29, 2022

You already know that I don’t run…unless I’m running for St Jude’s children and their families. This years St Jude fundraiser almost got away from me, but I couldn’t let that happen without at least trying to do what I can to help the kids. So, on this day known as “Giving Tuesday” I set up my team page and my personal fundraising page and I went to the park and did my second round of intervals in over a year. This is my 11th year fundraising and running for St Jude and I still suffer from anxiety about running and asking for money. So, here it goes. If you can make a small donation to St Jude, $5, $10 or more, I am happy to earn every penny as your St Jude warrior. All the money goes directly to St Jude Children’s research hospital and my sponsorship page can be find by clicking the link here!

November 25, 2022

I am heartbroken. And I am grateful to have been fortunate enough to know Jim Lorimer as a dear friend. My heart goes out to his wonderful family and millions of friends and fans all around the world.
Knowing that you are not a phone call or a visit away, feels like one of my life’s challenges dearest Jim. Forever friends. Rest in peace and joy. xo Denise

November 22, 2022
just keep pressing different buttons

I’m pushing all of the right buttons and doing all of the things I need to do to help diagnose the current cam issue. I ordered a new camera, which hasn’t arrived yet, but if you are up for it, I would like to do a live cam show tomorrow and test the system. Plus, I think we all need to celebrate a members bday. So I hope you will join me and give it a shot tomorrow. I can’t promise the that cam will work but I want to try. Wednesday 11/23 at 9pm Et/6pm Pt – Thanks! Denise

Make a new plan and Try again!

Author: Denise Masino
November 19, 2022

When things don’t work, and when things don’t go according to plan, make a new plan. I will be posting the replacement cam video later today and I am working with my programmer to diagnose the connection issues we had last night. I hope to be able to do a live cam show by Wednesday night. Let’s see what I can get done. Thank you for the kind reassuring comments last night. I know how disappointing it is when things don’t work. I feel like I am in a loop of “try again”. Please stay tuned, I’m on it. xo D

Back on track a step at a time.

Author: Denise Masino
November 16, 2022

Do you ever feel like you are on a roller coaster ride that just won’t stop? Yep, that’s me right now. And I know I’m not the only one feeling this way, but that doesn’t always make it easier. My schedule is turned upside down these days with lot’s of appointments that are difficult to schedule and or being rescheduled all around me. The reason for a lot of this is the ongoing Hurricane Ian clean up. We are dealing with super high demand for all kinds of repair and clean up and it’s just going to take a while to sort out. So, I’m jumping hoops, staying calm and doing what I can to keep moving forward. Stay with me a little longer as I get things sorted out and let’s catch up on Friday for happy hour. Love and Gratitude Denise

How to begin

Author: Denise Masino
November 14, 2022

I got a reminder on my feed this morning that a year ago today I was completing my 5k run for St Jude. It made me sad to think that I have not even started running for the kids this year. I have to start running again. I have to suck it up buttercup!

Post Nicole update

Author: Denise Masino
November 11, 2022

I’m happy to report that Hurricane Nicole did not affect our area in any meaningful way. And even though it cost me days of work, we are getting back to it. The repairs from Hurricane Ian continue and I look forward to resetting my schedule for our next live cam show. Thank you to everyone who emailed me and for your thoughts and prayers, I really appreciate your well wishes. #lovedrop Denise

Here comes Nicole!

Author: Denise Masino
November 8, 2022
Denise Masino Can We Talk

While so many people are still struggling to put their homes and lives back in order, and while so many citizens are working long hours to help in a million different ways, the fact is Tropical Storm Nicole (projected to be a category 1 hurricane is making it’s way towards Florida. That means I will be working on preparing my home for the winds and water to come. I’m so glad I got my vote in early. It’s no fun to be dealing with an additional weather event when we still have so many damages to deal with. So due to Nicole, I am forced to postpone our normal Friday Happy Hour Cam. Please stay tuned for additional updates on the cam schedule and if you are in the storms path, please prepare, and I hope you and your community stay safe and secure. #staypumped #lovedrop Denise

Booo for Halloween issues and FUN!

Author: Denise Masino
November 7, 2022

Our Friday nigh live cam party turned into a fun conversation about all sorts of things and it was nice! Thank you to all of the members who hung out with me and chatted. The video quality was in and out, so, I decided it would be better for members if I just recorded a replacement show. That way you get a really good quality video. I never want to frustrate members with a crappy looking picture. I worked all weekend and encountered all sorts of little issues along the way, but I got it done and the video will post later this morning. Shit happens and we just have to find a way to keep moving forward as best we can. I hope you like the pics and the video. Love drop in your corner of the world. Denise

Infinite Love Limitless Gratitude

Author: Denise Masino
November 2, 2022

Dia De Muertos is such a beautiful Mexican tradition, I will play music I know my ancestors loved and enjoy thinking about the precious time we had with them. #lovedrop #staypumped friend.