Archive for December, 2009

December 30, 2009

Denise loves Precious
I went to see “Precious” last night and was reminded of why I love watching movies. Precious is filled with the sort of real life drama that few people out of the ghetto might ever know or understand. Born and raised in one of Brooklyn, New York’s toughest neighborhoods meant that I got to see first hand what survival in an inner city can be like. I love the honesty of the characters with all of their flaws and I am reminded that what life demands of all of us is the courage to try, and the courage to dare to dream.

Off the grid

Author: Denise Masino
December 29, 2009

I lost my internet access yesterday so I was forced off the grid. Funny how the idea of no internet can push some people into a panic (the truth is, at times I am one of those people). Now that I have my internet connection again, I’m thankful that I lost it for a while. I went for a walk, did some chores and watched most of “Public Enemies.”  I’ll let you know what I think of it when I’m done 🙂     xoxo

Denise’s Xmas 09

Author: Denise Masino
December 25, 2009

Xmas o9 Well, I was nice and naughty all year and I got everything I wanted because of it 🙂  I hope you all have a great holiday. xoxo DeniseDenise’s Xmas 09

Santas coming…

Author: Denise Masino
December 23, 2009

and I’m still shopping and decorating, determined to finish my to do list by 4 pm tomorrow. Check out what I’ve put under the Christmas tree for you Have you been nice and naughty this year? xoxo Denise Denise Decorates for Christmas

South bound and up…

Author: Denise Masino
December 23, 2009

I got into Florida at noon yesterday, following my red-eye flight itinerary out of LAX on Sunday night and hit the hot tarmac running.  Loaded down with luggage and a long to do list,  it was off to the races on fumes for over 42 hours of prep, travel and Christmas shopping. Knowing that I would be non-stop once I arrive in South Florida, I wanted to sleep on the plain, but I just couldn’t.  Needless to say, when I finally fell asleep, I went down hard. When I finally got up today, it started all over again. Bottom line, I kissed my dad yesterday and got to hug my mom today. It’s great to be home. 

Tis the season…

Author: Denise Masino
December 17, 2009

…to be jolly, to sing carols and to decorate your house with your favorite balls 🙂    Seasons Greetings! xoxo DeniseDenise decorates for the holidays

I’ve Been Naughty!

Author: Denise Masino
December 15, 2009

Wanna Play? 🙂

Denise Masino is Naughty

It’s the holiday season…

Author: Denise Masino
December 13, 2009

Start your day with a walk and some posing before breakfast.  Now’s the best time to stay on a workout routine 🙂

Denise Poses before breakfast

My live cam corset…

Author: Denise Masino
December 10, 2009

…who doesn’t love a woman in a pair of spiked heels and black corset?
It’s time for my weekly live cam show…wont you meet me online 🙂

Denise Masino Live On Cam today!

Twist me, turn me…

Author: Denise Masino
December 3, 2009

Denise Masino stretch Twist me, turn me, pull me, push me. Lay on top of me, walk all over me for fuck sake! I love it and I’ll be back for more! 🙂 That’s what I like to hear… but this time, I’m saying it 😉 I just got out of a 1 hour Thai/Swedish massage session and my body is still floating. Massage does a body and mind good…now I’m working on my happy ending. Mmmm xoxo Denise