Archive for 2010

A new Denise Masino blog look!

Author: Denise Masino
June 22, 2010

It took a couple of days to do but we managed to upgrade my blog. Now you will be able to check past posts by using the archive widget that Super Bill installed for me. There is also a great related posts widget that helps to keep you on topic. Let’s blog! xoxo Denise

Let’s meet on online!

Author: Denise Masino
June 16, 2010
Denise's live muscle cam show

Meet me for a muscle bulging live cam show

female muscle catch up

Author: Denise Masino
June 15, 2010

Has it really been 5 days since my last post? Well, I’m back! After a 9 day trip filled with production meetings and more and a long evening of travel, I’m gearing up for my live cam show on Thursday. It’s time for us to catch up! What have you been up to? xoxo Denise

Denise feeds a Great White Heron

Author: Denise Masino
June 10, 2010

It’s been a busy work week but I always try to take a few minutes of down time for some fun when ever I can. When I saw this beautiful Great White Heron looking  for some grub, I jumped at the opportunity to offer  up a tasty hot dog. You will notice that a sea gull wanted in on the action too.

Denise Masino bird feeding

Denise Feeds a Hungry Heron

Denise the bird feeder

Notice the Seagull decides to get in on the luncheon

Denise makes a new friend!

Denise has new friends!

Muscle on the move

Author: Denise Masino
June 8, 2010

I’m on the road this week, so communications will be a bit sketchy for a couple more days. I hope all of you are having a wonderful week and not missing my posts too much 😉 I’m working on my new blog improvements and lots of great female muscle content for you! xoxo Denise

Fit for battle, Immune builders

Author: Denise Masino
June 7, 2010

After weeks of burning the candle on both ends, I ended up having to fight off a cold last week. My secret weapon is a product called Immuno-shield by Irwin Naturals. It was recommended to me years ago and every time I feel run down I up my dosage and within two days, I’m feeling good as new again. Happy Monday Friends!

Sexy Muscle Cam show Today

Author: Denise Masino
June 3, 2010

I’m pulling out the toys and turning on the camera for my live sexy muscle cam show today in my members area. Meet me at 5pm Et, 2pm Pt, 11pm Cet. I have a surprise I want to share. And remember, if you cant make today’s scheduled live show, you can watch it in my members live cam show archive area starting on Sunday or you can schedule a private one on one cam show with me at your convenience here!


Author: Denise Masino
June 2, 2010
Denise Masino Blog

I am a constant work in progress

You will notice that the look and feel of my blog is changing,  please excuse the sudden changes as I work to make the blog better for you.  As always, your opinions are always welcomed.

On a separate note, don’t forget my live cam show tomorrow at 5pm Pt, 2pm Et. It’s going to be female muscle-icious!

Humans & Nature

Author: Denise Masino
June 1, 2010

I watched the Dog Whisperer this morning during a portion of my aerobic training. I just love listening to Cesar Millan’s views on how humans contribute to the kinds of responses they get from nature. His show is about dogs, but he speaks volumes about human nature.  I just had another thought? So is it a good thing to work like a dog? And where did that phrase come from?  🙂

Memorial Day Workout

Author: Denise Masino
May 31, 2010

It’s Memorial Day and I’m doing some spring/summer cleaning. Some of you might think there’s something wrong with this picture, but I feel good. I started my day working up a slippery sweet on my stepper. From there I moved to working on my newest clit pumping videos (I’ll be posting those once a week, along with my progress reports). After that it was egg whites and oatmeal followed by office organizational work. A little later on, I’ll be hanging in the backyard with a lean burger and some ice tea 🙂  I hope you’re all enjoying your day off at a picnic or at home just kick’n back and doing nothing! xoxo Denise