The week

Author: Denise Masino
January 23, 2009

Wow, this has been one hell of a week. Loaded with technical issues and frustrating problems I’m glad the week is over, even though I will spend some of the weekend working. I’m thinking a hot shower and a glass of wine is in order. TGIF. xoxo Denise

7 Responses to “The week”

  1. Scorpio Man Says:

    Don’t work too much – it’s the weekend! (Enjoy that Boglietti 😉 )

  2. Denise Says:

    Scorpio Man, That was great advise. And even though I did work on editing Kinky Clits II today I did take the time to enjoy a glass of Red Zinfandel. I hope your weekend was fantastic and your week is awesome. xoxo Denise

  3. Scorpio Man Says:

    Thanks BUT……..
    It’s Monday & work has already been non-stop (although I did manage to sneak out for this lunch break)..;)

    If you get the chance, you REALLY need to visit Italy….I spent 3 months living in northern Italy & loved every day of it! Pasta, Wine, & Gelado – all rocked!! 🙂

  4. Denise Says:

    Italy is a must visit for me, has actually been on the top of my list for many years. Northern Italy huh? What was your favorite town? City? Curious minds you know 🙂

  5. Scorpio Man Says:

    Since I was staying in Conegliano, I must say that area was quite nice along with Pordenone too….

    I only had the opportunity to make it out to Venice one time but it’s definitely worth the trip! 🙂

    One of the interesting things I noted was that fashion is about 6 months or so ahead of us back here in the states….I remember a certain style shoe that was common place in Italy,….after being back in the US for a few months, I finally saw it on shelves here stateside..

  6. Scorpio Man Says:

    I forgot to add about Conegliano & Pordenone….I was living there vice being a tourist…so my perceptions are based more on living in the environment instead of touring…

  7. Scorpio Man Says:

    Apologies for the multiple responses but I’ve yet to figure out a way to edit my posts here 😀

    Here’s a Wikipedia description of Conegliano