This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 11th, 2008 at 6:54 pm and is filed under Fitness Tips, Sexy Tips. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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June 11, 2008
Dear Diary, When a long time buddy and member decided to share the details of a list of benefits assoicated with Vitamin “D” in an email he sent me, I thought he was being his cute and talking about me. But, after reading his email, I quickly realized that he was talking about Vitamin D, not Vitamin Me <smile>. Anyway, Im all about passing on useful, healthy information so, here it goes. Oh and by the way, don’t forget that a daily dose of me is good for you too. To illustrate that fact, I’ve added my own list of benefits! <smile/wink> ….Denise
Vitamin D (ie, our skin’s response to Sunshine) is a miracle drug:
- lowers risk of many cancers
- lowers depression
- prevents osteoporosis
- combats heart disease
- protects against diabetes (and therefore kidney failure, vision loss, and even foot amputation)
- prevents heart attack and stroke
My list of Vitamin “D” benefits (D being for Denise of course
lowers the risk of many cancers – especially prostate cancer, after all studies show that coming once a day keeps the prostate healthy.
lowers depression – making you smile is my ultimate goal!
prevents osteoporosis – no wasted boners around me, and thats a promise!
combating heart disease – by getting your heart rate up at least once a day.
protects against diabetes – I like to keep the sugar all natural so that diabetes is never an issue.
And, finally, heart attacks are unacceptable but strokes, now thats a different story!
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