Welcome to my official Denise Masino Diary blog. I like to share my thoughts and updates on my exclusive erotic muscle videos, live muscle web cam shows, fitness appearances, free photos & more. I’m all about fitness, fun & fantasy. I LOVE hearing from you, but to leave a comment you'll need to register here or log-in!!
xoxo Denise

Let’s catch up with a member text chat on Sunday at 12:30 pm ET, I hope you can make it

A quick update, I got my strength training and cardio workout in today and I am back at my desk working on my newest content as well as my cam. Stay tuned for updates on my progress and wish me luck! #staypumped friend! xo D

Hello I am delivering Happy November wishes to you. I hope you are having a nice Halloween week and got to indulge in a few treats and also got your workouts in too! I am continuing to work on my cam options for our member shows going forward, and I hope to have an update on that in the coming days. In the meantime I hope you enjoy the newest holiday updates and are also getting your workouts in. Thank you for your patience and your messages. Don’t forget to change the clocks tonight! xo Love & Gratitude. Denise
There’s only one way to find out if this will work. Let’s test it! Please join me for my live member cam show test this Saturday at 12:30pm.

Dear friends, I am happy to report that I am safe and secure and so is my family and community. We don’t have any power yet but I am hoping to get power back soon. In the mean time I am working on temporary power solutions and I am truly grateful that we are all okay. My heart goes out to all of the people who are experiencing so much devastation and loss over the last many weeks and starting with hurricane Helene. Please stay tuned for an update later today as I would like to do a text chat with you in my members area if I can. I will be working on that and will update my diary later.
Thank you all for your messages and concern. I hope you are all safe, secure and well. Love Denise

Watching this hurricane is so stressful. Evacuating is a lot of work and stressful. I am with loved ones and staying in contact with family and friends. Hunkering down and waiting for this storm to hit us is really hard to do. We have prepared and we just have to try to stay calm and hope for the best. This is scary for sure. I hope you are all in a safe and secure place and that you stay that way.
Thank you for your messages, your concern and your prayers it’s all appreciated.
Love Denise
Dear members, I am in preparation mode for the current and upcoming Hurricane and I will be working hard to keep you posted on my progress. I hope you are all safe and secure and that you are not in the path of this storm. Thank you for your kind messages and good wishes and support. I love and appreciate you. You will see new updates this week and if you can send me some good weather. Love Denise
Due to the upcoming hurricane reparation I will not be able to do my member cam show. I will log in to do a short text communication with members and look forward to our next scheduled show. I apologize for the last minute change and for any inconvenience caused. Thanks! Denise
Due to hurricane disruption I am changing this weeks member cam show to Sunday. I hope you can join me at 12pm ET for this weeks member cam show. Thanks! Denise

If you are watching the news you might already know that there is a hurricane brewing in the gulf and headed towards Florida and that means I am busy prepping what I need to weather the storm. This hurricane is projected to make landfall in the big bend area but mother nature and weather are very unpredictable, so we must prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Anyway, I hope you are not in the cone and that you are and stay safe. I also hope that this passes quickly and does not hit our area. In the meantime I will do my best to update you on my progress and on any changes with my member cam scheduled for this weekend. #Lovedrop in your corner of the world. Denise