This entry was posted on Thursday, March 5th, 2015 at 8:50 pm and is filed under Sexy Tips. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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A connecting flight cancellation did not stop me from getting into Columbus, Ohio in time to set up my Muscle Pinups booth for this years Arnold Sports Expo. The ground was covered in snow from Detroit (my connecting city), all the way to Ohio, and even though the weather was brisk, I LOVE IT HERE. The cold weather always energizes me. We got our booth set up and took a look at the expo halls main stage and I was struck by an incredible sense of nostalgia. I have competed on this stage so many time during my career and I was immediately taken back to what it was like to be a professional athlete on this stage. I love this city and this place for so many reasons and, every one of those reasons is attached to a person. At the top of that list is one person in particular. He is the man who sits in the background, quietly connecting the human dots, that create the perfect breeding grounds for thousands of life changing moments and unforgettable experiences. As he so eloquently points out, “Sport is like a microcosm of life, in that you will get out of it– in almost equal proportion, what you are willing to put in.” Thank you Jim Lorimer for providing us all with this venue to express ourselves as athletes and artists alike and for giving us these opportunities to connect with others in such an inspiring way. Congrats and good luck to all of this years athletes. Let the Arnold Sports Expo 2015 begin!

With Ms, Olympia and Arnold Classic Champion Dexter “The Blade” Jackson and Jim Lorimer.

With a few of the Muscle Pinups and Andy Hammond at the 2014 Arnold Sports Festival Expo.
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