Lemon humor

Author: Denise Masino
April 8, 2018

Sometimes things happen in life that will surprise you. It’s stuff that you can’t really predict or plan for and that you can’t control at all. It’s life stuff that like it or not, you have to go along for the ride. I recently had a situation affect people that are close to me that reminded me of just how temporary everything we know and love can be. I have been in a state of disbelief and I have been dealing with my own sadness for the losses that have been sustained by others around me. This last week has also been filled with a focus on dealing with how best to move forward. It’s been really crappy, and at the same time I know how fucking lucky I truly am.
I am reminded that no matter what challenges we face, we must always try to find a way to move forward. And as we care for ourselves, we must also try to find ways to care for those around us too. That being said, I am eternally grateful for all of the great people I have in my life. Thank you ALL for being such great motivators for me. I hope I can always be a positive motivational impact in your life too.
Love xo Denise

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