June 30, 2012

I got out of the house yesterday after a week of fighting a cold and doing my best to behave myself, so that I would kick the cold quickly. I met with a friend who I have been talking to for years but never actually got to meet until yesterday. Tony is one of those people that you feel you know after talking to him just one time and, he is basically just an awesome guy! While we sat at Starbucks sipping iced coffee, a beautiful woman ran over and interrupted us because she could tell that I “compete” and she just had to ask me how she could get started herself. “I want to compete and when I saw you I just freaked and had to come over – you compete don’t you? Wow, you look awesome, can you tell me how I can compete?” The funny thing about it was that when I asked her what she wanted to compete in, she didn’t know. “Well I don’t know, but I’m going to start working our right away” is what she said. Tony (a long time fan of bodybuilding) and I just looked at each other and smiled. One of my goals is to motivate others to workout and the cool thing was that this sweet girl was clearly inspired and all I needed to do is encourage her and send her to the internet where she could find all of the information she needed to get started with the National Physique Committee. Starbucks, Tony and a pretty new aspiring female bodybuilder was exactly what the doctor ordered.

4 Responses to “It’s ok to stare at my female muscle”

  1. XavierRS Says:

    Doesn’t surprise me that you help inspire people to workout. When I was trying to get back in shape I would stop by here for a little extra inspirations and motivation. If you’re interested here are some of my before and afters. Day 155 was taken on my 40th birthday.

  2. XavierRS Says:

    Tried to put a link to the before and after pics but guess it didn’t work. Sorry bout that.


  3. matt apicella Says:

    Great story Denise, worth quite a lot.

    You are truly a great inspiration!!!

    Have a great week and a fun 4th of Juliy

    Love ya,


  4. Denise Masino Says:

    Xavier I got to see your pictures, nice work. You look fantastic. I love seeing people transform themselves into a healthier version of themselves. Congrats and continued success! Thanks for sharing.