Archive for 2010

Embrassing your true nature

Author: Denise Masino
August 30, 2010

During my last trip to Florida I visited Gatorland and while I was there I saw this and thought..Hmmm something about this pictures seems a little off, and then I remembered the fable of the Scorpion and the Turtle and  smiled and wondered.

A scorpion, being a very bad swimmer, asked a turtle to carry him on its back across a river. “Are you mad?” exclaimed the turtle. “You’ll sting me while I’m swimming and I’ll drown.” “My dear turtle,” exalted the scorpion, “If I was to sting you, you would drown and I’d go down with you. Now where is the logic in that?” “You’re right,” said the turtle. “Hop on.” The scorpion climbed aboard and halfway across the river gave the turtle a mighty sting. As they both sank to the bottom, the turtle asked, “Before I die, I must ask you something? You said there is no logic in your stinging me. Why did you do it?” “It has nothing to do with logic,” the drowning scorpion replied. “It’s just my nature.”

These images beg the question, Did the turtle change the odds of getting hurt by simply being on top this time?  I think probably not because, most creatures will remain consistent in their deeds, words and actions, based on their previous history – ultimately revealing their true nature.  🙂

Denise’s nude workout

Author: Denise Masino
August 29, 2010

Did you miss my live cam show workout this week?
Running my cam show from my home gym allowed me to do a workout that I had missed earlier in the week. It also meant that I would be working out without air conditioning because the lights kept blowing the circuits, but that wasn’t a problem for me. I actually loved worked up a dripping wet sweat and when the temperature got too high I simply removed my workout clothes and emptied my water bottles to help cool off. To watch my home gym workout all you have to do is watch todays live cam show archive and remember that working up a healthy sweat is good for you!   WATCH THE SHOW NOW!

Fit for fun cam show

Author: Denise Masino
August 26, 2010

I’m doing a 1 hour live cam show workout in my members area today at 5pm Et, 2pm Pt, bring a water bottle and a towel, it’s gonna get hot and sticky!

Always ready to Rock n’ Roll

Author: Denise Masino
August 25, 2010

If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that it’s important to work hard, train hard and play hard. Today I jumped out of bed, pulled on my workout clothes and was ready to Rock ‘n Roll. A walk, meetings, some phone calls at the office and a little air guitar somewhere in-between kept me up and productive all day. Don’t forget that I’m doing a live cam show tomorrow. You should bring your towels, because it’s going to be a workout.

Training and Getting Back on Track

Author: Denise Masino
August 24, 2010

I got back on track with my morning hike yesterday, but never made it into the gym for my workout because the office just wouldn’t wait any longer. I’m not happy about missing yesterdays workout, but that’s OK, because today is a new day. I guess I’ll just have to take on Tuesday with my Back workout and do a naked workout during my live cam show on Thursday of this week.  Can I get a spot? <wink/wink> Denise

Back on track

Author: Denise Masino
August 23, 2010

I spent a good part of the day traveling today and am happy to report that I am back home.
A 6: 30 am flight meant heading out to the airport at 4:30 am, and as luck would have it, we ended up delayed by two hours anyway. It’s all part of the adventure s of travel but the ultimate antidote was a total strip down and right to bed for a nap. That way I can start my week back on track on Monday.

Have a great Monday!


Author: Denise Masino
August 17, 2010

I’m sitting at a table in Barnes & Noble, sipping on a Venti Iced Black Coffee and wondering if I should have ordered an Iced Black Red Eye (at least I think that’s what they call it when you ask for an extra shot of caffeine).  I’ve been traveling the beautiful Pacific North West since Friday and although I’m enjoying the scenery, the hours have been long. Lot’s of moving around means little sleep and no gym time, unless of course you call lots of walking and lots of luggage hauling a workout.  Either way I’m inspired as I travel new roads, explore new places and I pump my body and mind full of new experiences, people, places and things. Have a great Tuesday! – Denise

August 13, 2010

This is my favorite coffee mug and it’s the one I run around sipping my coffee from every day. On this day, I refused to put it down as I ran out the door to run errands, the result was a pair of stained white panties.  It’s a good thing my coffee had already cooled off 🙂  – Enjoy the message and dare to always Dream The Impossible.  ~ Denise

Muscle on the move

Author: Denise Masino
August 13, 2010

I’m hitting the road again tomorrow and it’s going to be  up and out really early to hop on a flight for a week of shoots for a new project. The schedule is going to be busy, but I’m going to bring my bikini just in case I get the opportunity to sneak away for couple of zzz’s by the pool. Stay tuned for news from the road and remember that it’s Friday the 13th…
A very lucky day if you ask me. xoxo D

Live Muscle Cam show tomorrow

Author: Denise Masino
August 9, 2010

Im doing my live member cam show tomorrow night. Be there!