Memorial Day Workout

Author: Denise Masino
May 31, 2010

It’s Memorial Day and I’m doing some spring/summer cleaning. Some of you might think there’s something wrong with this picture, but I feel good. I started my day working up a slippery sweet on my stepper. From there I moved to working on my newest clit pumping videos (I’ll be posting those once a week, along with my progress reports). After that it was egg whites and oatmeal followed by office organizational work. A little later on, I’ll be hanging in the backyard with a lean burger and some ice tea 🙂  I hope you’re all enjoying your day off at a picnic or at home just kick’n back and doing nothing! xoxo Denise

3 Responses to “Memorial Day Workout”

  1. Mike Says:

    Jeez, how old is that stepper, Denise? Shouldn’t something modern have some movable parts to give your arms a workout?

    You could do damage to the ulnar nerves in your wrists turning your hands inward like that. Permanent damage that could affect your ability to grab thick pole-like objects and slide your hands up and down them repeatedly.

    P.S. In an unrelated matter, not for nothing, but what’s with that puny 13″ television doing on the dresser in the background?

    I’m calling for a full-scale investigation into this highly suspicious photo!

    By the way, your hamstrings look too tight, but I know someone very well who could loosen you up. And your buttocks and calves could use some sculpting, but I know a good sculptor (very “hands on.”)

  2. Denise Masino Says:

    Mike: Not sure how old the stepper is, but I love it. I actually hate the machines that have the hand pieces. I want to do aerobics and work on my legs and glutes, not my arms. About my 13 inch TV, it was a gift and it works, so I keep it just so that I can be entertained while I am on the stepper. I’m embarrassed to say that I actually have televisions in four rooms!!! Now stop being a pain in my ass, I have the stepper for that! 😉 xoxo Denise

  3. Mike Says:

    Thanks, Denise.

    I wouldn’t have thought you were an authentic Brooklyn gal unless you had busted my chops!

    Just bein’ a goof with that previous message.

    Love you lots and lookin’ forward to bustin’ your balls…before you bust mine. Ouch!
