my big clit

Author: Denise Masino
February 12, 2010

big clits

“Have you always had a big clit?” That’s the question I got today. And the answer is, yes… yes I have. I have always had a big clit, big lips and big nipples. I figured I might as well get it all out on the table 🙂  Over the years I have been asked if working out has made my clit bigger and the answer to that is, I don’t think so. I can tell you that oral sex, definitely has had an effect on the sensitivity, responsiveness and size of my girl erections, not to mention my orgasms. I love oral sex and I love vibrators too. I think both have made my clit bigger. I have also used a clit pump several times but I honestly feel that the constant sucking from my lover has more to do with how big my clit gets when I am very excited. Recently, I have been given information on the use of some herbal supplements and pharmaceutical drugs such as Levitra and Viagra (both traditionally used for male erections) to enhance both sensitivity and size for women. I haven’t tried any of these products yet but I will. In fact, I just might conduct my own personal study on the effects of some of these methods, including the use of a clit pump. Bottom line, it all starts with predisposed genetic tendencies. And for that I say “Thank you mother nature!”   xoxo Denise

10 Responses to “my big clit”

  1. blacknblue Says:

    I for one am glad Mother Nature decided to make you o well indeed. I love “meaty” girls.

  2. Denise Masino Says:

    The more to play with blacknblue 😉 Happy Valentine’s Day

  3. Mike Says:

    Always a good thing when you can “take matters into your own hands.”

    Or so I’ve heard.


  4. blacknblue Says:

    Happy Valentine’s day to you, Denise!

  5. Denise Masino Says:

    I believe in taking the bull by the horns Mike!

  6. ilovedenisemasino Says:

    I wish she would get a twitter!

  7. Denise Masino Says:

    Wow, love your log in name ilovedenisemasino,
    I actually do have a twitter account and I do tweet 🙂 Follow me@

  8. blacknblue Says:

    Here’s my twitter:

    Feel free to follow if you like (even though 95% chance you aren’t, lol. But they it’s worth a shot, right?).

  9. Denise Masino Says:

    U R being followed! 🙂

  10. blacknblue Says:

    Thanks Denise! I’ll try to keep my tweets up to par now, lol.

    BTW, I love how you measure your endowment like us guys do with ours– I find that incredibly sexy. I don’t think the term’s been used for a female before, but you’re what I’d call a ‘hung’ female. I think mines would stack up favorably to yours though 😉