December 12, 2008

Frost/Nixon Movie Poster I’ve heard it said that if you walk away talking about two scenes in a movie after you’ve seen it, it’s going to be a hit. I went to see Ron Howard’s new movie Frost/Nixon recently and walked away talking about three things, so does that make it a hit? Well, how much of a fan hit Frost/Nixon will ultimately end up being remains to be seen, but for me, the move is a must see. Richard Nixon played by Frank Langella is without a doubt one of the best performances I have seen this year. Having said that, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Kevin Bacon’s incredible performance as Jack Brennan (Nixon’s right hand man). As a fan of subtlety, both Langella and Bacon deliver the kind of exquisite nuances of human emotions that, well, are hard to explain. And so, you must simply watch. As they deal with the demise of Nixon’s presidency, his war record, illegal wiretaps and their follow up failed attempts at correcting Nixon’s public image, I was left with an indelible sense of DejaVu. Let me close by saying both men deserve Oscar nominations. – @{———– Denise

5 Responses to “Frost/Nixon highlights Langella and Bacon”

  1. reddog360615 Says:

    Thank you Denise! I was trying decide if I should see this movie. If you like the movie, then so do I.

    Eddie (Chicago)

  2. Denise Says:

    You bet Eddie. I love movies with historical references, and am a true believer in learning from past experience. I was fascinated and surprised by the parallels I saw in our world and government today. It goes to show you how important knowing your history is, assuming we can learn from past mistakes :). Let me know what you think of the movie. I hope you enjoy it. All the best, Denise

  3. Mike Says:

    What did Denise know about this movie and when did she know it?

    Obviously, I’m riffing on Sen. Howard Baker’s questioning during the Watergate hearings.

    And speaking of great quotations, let me say that “What’s past is prologue.”

    This is a parsed quotation from Shakespeare that reads in it’s full length, “Whereof what’s past is prologue, what to come in yours and my discharge.”
    – The Tempest, act II, scene i, lines 253–54. (Antonio is speaking.)

    “What’s past is prologue” is carved on the National Archives Building, Washington, D.C.

  4. David Says:

    It’s HOLLYWOOD! Yeah Denise liked the performances. So what! We all know that the odds of these goof ball hollywood libs have a snowballs chance in hell of getting the facts straight, and then actually putting it to film. Please spare me the morality nonense, especially when they rarely deliver the truth. You want history? Chew on those facts baby!
    I’d still give you my best baby. Just let me do the talking.

  5. Denise Masino Says:

    I love that you are reading my blog. Thanks for the contributions, and you can talk and share your point of view as you will,but know that you will never do my talking.

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