Archive for August, 2009

Girl Muscle Shower Cam

Author: Denise Masino
August 14, 2009

Bad Girls of Bodybuilding

Author: Denise Masino
August 11, 2009

Bad Girls of Bodybuilers

I’m X-cited to report that we have just released our newest DVD, Bad Girls of Bodybuilding featuring the amazing muscle and sultry lust of Amber Steel, Angie Salvageno, Roxie Rain, Melissa Dettwiller, Lynn McCrossin, Nuriye Sener-Evans and yours truly. Please stop by our new secure for more details. xoxo Denise

August 9, 2009

Erotic papyrusErotic Turin Papyrusturin_132b.jpg

The History Channel had a great program this week called “Sex in the ancient world”, that talked about the discovery of a 3,000 year old papyrus with explicate erotic graphical depictions that one specialist said, could be likened to what we know of today, as a modern adult magazine. This Ancient Egyptian discovery illustrates what may very well be one of the very first pornographic pieces of illustrated work. As experts work to decode the text and art they discuss the possibilities. Is it part of a fertility ritual or ancient erotica? I only caught the tail end of the program but was immediately drawn in by the hard-core imagery, and what struck me most about what most would call pornography, was the simple reality that this papyrus seemed to be suggesting. Through the ages, both ancient and modern man share some very basic common instincts and realities of life. Does this papyrus simply point out that mans fascination with the pleasures of sex is part of human nature? I certainly think so. What do you think?  Listed above are some of the reproductions from the erotic papyrus of Turin.

Congrats America

Author: Denise Masino
August 7, 2009

It’s another great day in American history because another great woman, this time a great Hispanic woman was named to the the United States supreme court. My congratulations goes out to Justice Sonja Sotomayor and to all of us for this momentous occasion.

Live cam show today!

Author: Denise Masino
August 5, 2009

Denise poses her muscles on cam
I’m going live on cam today so don’t forget to log on to my cam show today at 5 pm ET / 2 pm PT /11 pm CET!

Happy Birthday Mr. President

Author: Denise Masino
August 4, 2009

Denise says Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Mr. President, here is to looking forward to all that you will continue to do. It makes sense that our new elegant, courageous leader Barack Obama is a Leo. Cheers to all of the lion hearts celebrating this month.   Denise

Out of the weeds

Author: Denise Masino
August 3, 2009

I got home last week to a pile of work and emails that needed my attention. Since then, I have been trying to get back on track at home and in the office and although the “to do list” is very long, I did manage to do my weekly cam show…yum, yum. And I also made it to a series of seminars on Saturday called digital on a dime. I’m always into learning something new. xoxo Denise