Read my lips…

Author: Denise Masino
May 20, 2009

Tonight’s live cam show was a lot of fun even though the show got off to a bit of a slow start due to some sound issues. I want to apologize for the technical issues that delayed the show and in the end forced me to perform with no sound. You can rest assured that I will resolve the issues, as I am determined to deliver the best possible cam show experience 🙂 Doing a show with no sound is not easy for a girl who loves to talk dirty. In the end I decided it was actually going to be fun to use my body to communicate my message instead. The object of the game during this cam show was to read my lips ( both sets). Conveying a message without saying a word, now that’s what I call body language. xoxo Denise

4 Responses to “Read my lips…”

  1. ahven66 Says:

    Dear Denise
    Because of the technical problems we must read your body language in your last show. I decided to make some notes to learn that language better. I took my pen in my hand but soon it grew too big to write properly. Then I thought that white ink is not the best possible alternative when writing to a white paper. I forgot that idea soon and start writing faster. Then the ink flew over the paper so I didn’t get any notes!!! So now I’m waiting your next show so I can do notes about your body language.

    Yours: Ahven66

  2. Denise Says:

    You are funny and such a clever boy too. Thank you for making me giggle today. After the annoying sound issues I actually settled into doing the show and had a slippery blast myself 😉 The good news is I got the sound issue fixed this morning so from now on you will have to suffer through my female chatter, my dirty talk and my heavy breathing. xoxo Denise

  3. Scorpio Man Says:

    On a somewhat related subject…..

    What’s your view on some of the “lower grade” HD Camcorders for us mere mortals (who don’t need website quality)…

    Something like this Panasonic below…

    Anyways back to topic…..Yes, seems like I need to buy a ticket to one of your shows in the future 🙂

  4. Denise Says:

    Scorpio Man:
    I dont know that camera but what I can tell you is that Panasonic makes really good video cameras. They have a pretty good reputation for the Mini DV and their new HD models. I would check out the consumer reports on the models under $1,000. xoxo Denise

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